"Hate to be a buzzkill but this isn't actually true. Old Tjikko is what you call a clonal organism. Imagine that when you got old, a copy of you budded off your thumb, and when you died and shriveled up that copy could go on living. When that copy aged it would repeat the process over and over. After 9000 years, the currently living clone would not be the original "you", but you could argue that each clone was attached to the last and the overall organism is 9000 years old. That's what has happened with this tree, growing and dying off, and a new copy branching off of the root system. This process has been going on for 9550 years, but the existing tree (trunk, branches, leaves, etc) is no more than a few hundred years old. The oldest individual tree is an unnamed bristlecone pine, aged about 5,065 years. Old Tjikko isn't even the oldest clonal organism - that distinction belongs to a colony of aspen in Utah called Pando, which has been growing for at least 80,000 years."
...согласно ему, выходит что возраст не совсем верен.
"Надземная часть растения живёт не более 600 лет, однако возраст корневой системы был установлен при помощи радиоуглеродного метода и генетического анализа".
вот так поточнее будет, корням столько лет, а не дереву.
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9000+ лет это данные по корневой системе. Сам ствол вроде как в несколько сотен лет оценивают.
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"Аграрный Иисус" АвЭ!
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"Hate to be a buzzkill but this isn't actually true. Old Tjikko is what you call a clonal organism. Imagine that when you got old, a copy of you budded off your thumb, and when you died and shriveled up that copy could go on living. When that copy aged it would repeat the process over and over. After 9000 years, the currently living clone would not be the original "you", but you could argue that each clone was attached to the last and the overall organism is 9000 years old. That's what has happened with this tree, growing and dying off, and a new copy branching off of the root system. This process has been going on for 9550 years, but the existing tree (trunk, branches, leaves, etc) is no more than a few hundred years old. The oldest individual tree is an unnamed bristlecone pine, aged about 5,065 years. Old Tjikko isn't even the oldest clonal organism - that distinction belongs to a colony of aspen in Utah called Pando, which has been growing for at least 80,000 years."
...согласно ему, выходит что возраст не совсем верен.
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вот так поточнее будет, корням столько лет, а не дереву.
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