Авторы, проверяйте свои сведения! Никакого подъёма за 30 секунд не предполагается:
"There is so much to enjoy at British Airways i360 that we expect your visit to last around one hour (or longer if you are dining or using the play zone). This includes a pre-ride experience, the ride on the vertical cable car (20 minutes during the day or 30 minutes in the evening), our shop and exhibition"
ИСТОЧНИК: http://britishairwaysi360.com/the-experience/the-vertical-cable-car/http://britishairwaysi360.com/the-experience/the-vertical-cable-car/
К слову, сообщая о рекордно тонкой обзорной башне, некисло бы заодно сообщить, НАСКОЛЬКО ИМЕННО она тонка. Так вот:
"The tower itself is incredibly slender, and no more than 4.6 metres wide while the pod is around 18 metres in diameter. The British Airways i360 is the slimmest tall tower in the world!"
ИСТОЧНИК: http://britishairwaysi360.com/plan-your-visit/faqs/http://britishairwaysi360.com/plan-your-visit/faqs/
Ну, и заодно уж: в "бублик" влезает за раз 200 человек ("Источник прежний" (с) к/ф "Вариант "Омега"")
Жена спрашивает мужа, вернувшегося из англии:
- Ну и как там в англии?
- Ну в Англии смог...
- Лучше бы ты скотина дома смог!
Че там смотреть? Там видимость не больше километра из за постоянного смога и тумана.
тоже минут) автор неверно скопипастил)
"There is so much to enjoy at British Airways i360 that we expect your visit to last around one hour (or longer if you are dining or using the play zone). This includes a pre-ride experience, the ride on the vertical cable car (20 minutes during the day or 30 minutes in the evening), our shop and exhibition"
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"There is so much to enjoy at British Airways i360 that we expect your visit to last around one hour (or longer if you are dining or using the play zone). This includes a pre-ride experience, the ride on the vertical cable car (20 minutes during the day or 30 minutes in the evening), our shop and exhibition"
ИСТОЧНИК: http://britishairwaysi360.com/the-experience/the-vertical-cable-car/http://britishairwaysi360.com/the-experience/the-vertical-cable-car/
К слову, сообщая о рекордно тонкой обзорной башне, некисло бы заодно сообщить, НАСКОЛЬКО ИМЕННО она тонка. Так вот:
"The tower itself is incredibly slender, and no more than 4.6 metres wide while the pod is around 18 metres in diameter. The British Airways i360 is the slimmest tall tower in the world!"
ИСТОЧНИК: http://britishairwaysi360.com/plan-your-visit/faqs/http://britishairwaysi360.com/plan-your-visit/faqs/
Ну, и заодно уж: в "бублик" влезает за раз 200 человек ("Источник прежний" (с) к/ф "Вариант "Омега"")
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- Ну и как там в англии?
- Ну в Англии смог...
- Лучше бы ты скотина дома смог!
Че там смотреть? Там видимость не больше километра из за постоянного смога и тумана.
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"There is so much to enjoy at British Airways i360 that we expect your visit to last around one hour (or longer if you are dining or using the play zone). This includes a pre-ride experience, the ride on the vertical cable car (20 minutes during the day or 30 minutes in the evening), our shop and exhibition"
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