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Как Нигерийская мафия меня разводила.

11 лет назад · 13032 просмотров
Недавно разместил объявления о продаже щенков на российские, латвийские и эстонские рекламные сайты. Нашелся покупатель. Некая Дженна Смитт очень хочет купить к рождеству своей дочери в Англию 2-х щеночков.
Казалось круто! Но не тут то было...
Fishki в Телеграм
Посты на ту же тему
34 комментария
Evgenia Uss

10 лет назад
Ха! Сегодня она и мне писала! Схема та же, даже текст писем на 80-90% совпадает!

Mon, 16 Jun 2014 17:56:54 +0100 от Mrs Jenna smith
> <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com>:
>>I Have checked the pictures of the kittens and i really love them,its
>> just too cute and gorgeous and i cannot wait to buy them from you, and
>> i promise you that my daughter is going to take good care of them,
>> also my cousin (Andrea) is a vet doctor and will always help her in
>> taking good care of the kittens.
>>How i wish to have come in person for this transaction, but i want you
>>to know that i am buying this kittens based on faith and trust and i hope
>> i will not get disappointed.
>>I have contacted the shipping company and they told me that their is
>>no problem doing the pick up from Latvia to UK, and they guarantee me
>>safe delivery of the kittens. I will need your full house address as well
>>as your contact phone number so that i can give it to the shipping
>> With regards to payment, i will be paying you through PayPal transfer,
>> Do you have PayPal account?
>>I will write you soon

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