меня поражает, что со стороны сша ВСЕ от ведущих теле шоу и их гостей до гос.депа и послов подтверждают, что режиссируют на Украине, отрыто признав диалог посла сша и какой-то высокопоставленной ****ы, где говорится какое правительство предпочтительней и кого поддержать, сами Украинцы это игнорируют!!!! ****ь да вашей страной руководит гос.деп и Фонд Со́роса!! а вы все в России врага ищете....
Не возможно это обьяснить людям,которым столько лет промывали мозг.
Даже люди из Британии понимают больше и пишут вот такие вещи:
The West is about to realise that they are in decline and Russia is about to be the only Superpower left among the White World.
(This is America's reason for seeking to build military bases in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and other middle eastern regions together with their missile defense complex in Poland - It all surrounds Russia's borders)
Frankly, the Western Europe just doesn't have the muscle to stop Russia (America included)
I Love Russia!!!
Not only because they resist perverted homosexuals, but also for removing communism and restoring their country with nationalist pride!
Russia is a light for the West to follow and they do not care about the opinions of others! I will travel there in 5 years from now
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Даже люди из Британии понимают больше и пишут вот такие вещи:
The West is about to realise that they are in decline and Russia is about to be the only Superpower left among the White World.
(This is America's reason for seeking to build military bases in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and other middle eastern regions together with their missile defense complex in Poland - It all surrounds Russia's borders)
Frankly, the Western Europe just doesn't have the muscle to stop Russia (America included)
I Love Russia!!!
Not only because they resist perverted homosexuals, but also for removing communism and restoring their country with nationalist pride!
Russia is a light for the West to follow and they do not care about the opinions of others! I will travel there in 5 years from now
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