Не знаете, чем заняться с детьми летом? Приготовьте с ними эти милые, полезные и удивительно простые блюда - они будут рады сначала делать их, а потом есть!
Want to feed your little one more veggie but have not much a success? Then be creative and use your imagination to create some edible arts. Make them together with your kids, they would love to eat up their own creation, most likely.
Tell a story or do some role plays with the kids, imagine this little caterpillar is in danger and needs help…Look at these orange little feet, how adorable they are!! Some simple every day veggie can be turned into edible art in no time, and the whole family will have a healthy dose of vegetables in no time. How good is that!
Making these little fellows are super easy, you don’t have to make the tiny feet if it takes up too much of your time. The head and the body are cute enough to keep your kids entertained.
вот что было по ссылке мистера съедобной гусеницы, автор и кто ты после этого?
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Tell a story or do some role plays with the kids, imagine this little caterpillar is in danger and needs help…Look at these orange little feet, how adorable they are!! Some simple every day veggie can be turned into edible art in no time, and the whole family will have a healthy dose of vegetables in no time. How good is that!
Making these little fellows are super easy, you don’t have to make the tiny feet if it takes up too much of your time. The head and the body are cute enough to keep your kids entertained.
вот что было по ссылке мистера съедобной гусеницы, автор и кто ты после этого?
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